
  • What time should I arrive each day?

    We recommend arriving 30-45 minutes before each service starts in order to get the best seats and not miss anything!

  • When will the merch store be open?

    The Merch Store will open at 4PM on Monday night.

  • Is the coffee shop open?

    The Grace Church Coffee Shop will be open before services as well as during breakouts. If the shop is overwhelmed, regular drip coffee will be provided at the Eurasia booth in the main concourse.


  • Is there assigned seating in main sessions?

    There is no assigned seating in the auditorium. Seats are provided on a first-come, first-serve basis. If a member of your group is in the room, they may reserve seats for the rest of your group until they arrive.

  • Will the main sessions be live streamed?

    Yes! Our main sessions will be live streamed on YouTube and Facebook. If someone you know would like to tune in to the service, feel free to share the link with them.

  • Are translations services available?

    Yes. Please see the translation booth in the main concourse for your listening device.

    Sí. Consulte la cabina de traducción en el vestíbulo principal para obtener su dispositivo de escucha.

  • Am I invited to the After Party?

    You sure are! The After Party is an incredibly fun way for EVERYONE to connect and fellowship with others at the Conference. Plus: free food... enough said!


  • Do I have to sign up for a breakout?

    Nope! Seating in each breakout session is available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Some rooms will reach standing room only, at which point the room host may restrict futher entry.

  • Are the breakout sessions recorded?

    Yes, check out the "breakouts" tab of this online guidebook around 1-2 hours after the session ends to access the full-length recording.

  • How long do I have to get between sessions?

    You will have a 10-minute transition period to make it from one breakout to the next.

Still have a question?

Visit the info booth in the Main Concourse or use the chat button on this page,

we are happy to help you out!

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