General Info:

  • What is the Matching Fund?

    CMN and AGTrust financially partner with church planters through the Matching Fund to maximize the launch of new churches.

    When a church planter receives matching funds, they’re committing to being a part of a national church planting movement and agreeing to replenish the funds received in order to fund future churches. Each dollar replenished into the Matching Fund is immediately turned around and used to fund another church plant.

    Matching Fund recipients don't just receive a one-time gift. They become a part of something that God is doing across the country that is helping to reach unchurched and de-churched people.

  • How do I become a Matching Fund Church?

    Every Assemblies of God church planting project can apply for matching funds during their pre-launch phase. Each church planter has an opportunity for CMN to match funds they have raised, at the discretion of CMN, up to a maximum of $75,000, which the planter agrees to replenish back into the Matching Fund.

    The total amount matched is determined by several factors that are evaluated by the CMN funding team.

  • What factors determine the amount of funding I receive?

    The amount awarded is based on the following factors:

    • Top-tier funding is for qualified, multiplying churches

    • Quality of the Ministry Plan

    • Results of the church planter assessment

    • Strength of the primary partner

    • Availability of funds

  • What is a Champion Church?

    Once a Matching Fund Church replenishes the funds that they were awarded from the Matching Fund, they become a Champion Church. Champion Churches continue to give 1% of their church's income to CMN to further the cause of seeing a healthy church in every community. Our Champion Churches are our most valued partners. They are those who have risen to the challenge of planting a healthy church and committed their time, energy, and income to see the Kingdom of God grow in the United States.

  • What is the success rate of Matching Fund Churches?

    Matching Fund Churches have a planting success rate of 85%

  • Does CMN offer funding for churches that have already launched?

    An additional $25,000 is available for churches in their first five years of operation through CMN Post-Launch Funding.

    Applicants for post-launch funding must attend CMN Launch training. If the planter has already received CMN Matching Funds, the post-launch funding awarded is added to the church’s current Matching Fund balance to be replenished. Contact our Matching Fund Coordinator for more information.


  • Are Matching Funds a type of loan or grant?

    Matching Funds are not considered a grant because the ongoing efforts of the fund depend on the replenishment of the money awarded to you. They are also not a loan. Your monthly financial replenishments have no interest attached and are based on the monthly income of your church.

    Once you receive Matching Funds, you commit to giving 10% of your undesignated tithes and offerings each month. The money given is paid forward into the Church Multiplication Network (CMN) Matching Fund and will be used to invest in future church plants.

  • If I receive Matching Funds, will I have to follow certain rules when planting my church?

    The purpose of CMN is to equip, fund, and network church planters — not tell you how to do church ministry. However, there might be requirements for your church plant that come from your AG District and/or parent church.

  • We filed a New Church Open form, but haven't launched yet. Are we still eligible for Matching Funds?

    Possibly. In order to qualify for Matching Funds, we require that each church plant submit a New Church Open form or Parent-Affiliated Church (PAC) Charter form. A church is classified as open once its district has filed these forms with the General Secretary’s office.

    Because the purpose of the Matching Funds is for the pre-launch phase of a church plant, you will not be eligible for Matching Funds if you’ve already had a public launch service. If you have a New Church Open form on file and it is classified as open, this is not necessarily equivalent to a public launch. Because we do not award Matching Funds to churches after they launch, it is important to submit your application a minimum of 8 weeks prior to your launch.

  • Do I have to pay back the Matching Funds?

    By receiving these funds, the planted church agrees to give ten percent (10%) to the Church Multiplication Network from the undesignated income received by the new church every month.

    For example, if your income in January is $5,000, you are agreeing to give $500 toward the Matching Fund. If your income in January is $10,000, you are agreeing to give $1,000 toward the Matching Fund. Therefore, the amount you give to the Matching Fund is dependent upon the amount of undesignated income received by the church every month. This agreement will continue until the amount that you have replenished (paid forward) into the CMN Matching Fund is equal to the original investment that CMN awarded you. When this is complete, an additional commitment to give a minimum of one percent (1%) of all undesignated income every month to CMN applies.

  • How do I obtain the documentation to affiliate my new church plant with the Assemblies of God?

    Your first step should be to contact your AG District/Network office. They can help you understand the differences between the three types of affiliation — General Council Affiliated, District Council Affiliated, or Parent Affiliated Church (PAC). For more information, click here and listen to our General Secretary, Donna Barrett explain how you can charter your church. If you still have questions, please contact the CMN office for assistance.

  • When I submit my application for Matching Funds, how long should I expect it to take before I find out if I am approved or not?

    CMN strives to keep the turnaround time on all applications as short as possible. We ask that you submit your application to our office as early as possible, but no later than 8 weeks prior to the public launch of your church plant. In order to help speed up the process, please make sure that your application is completed in full along with the additional information requested.

    Matching Funds are awarded if you qualify and the funds are available. Therefore, these funds are not a guarantee and you should not make financial commitments based on funds that may be awarded.

  • If I am approved to receive Matching Funds, will the entire amount be mailed to me directly?

    Yes, if you are approved, all funds will be mailed directly to the church planter as designated on your application.

  • How soon can I receive funding for a new church?

    The soonest CMN will fund a new church is ninety (90) days prior to your public launch. The timeline for each application is based on when an application is received, when the approval process is completed, and when funding is available.


  • Do I have to hold my ministerial credentials with the Assemblies of God in order to apply for Matching Funds?


  • Do multisite locations and/or satellite campuses qualify for Matching Funds?

    Possibly. To qualify for Matching Funds, whoever is designated, as the campus pastor for this venue must hold ministerial credentials with the Assemblies of God. Additionally, the new campus must be a Parent-affiliated church (PAC).

  • What are the assessment requirements to receive funding?

    An assessment is the process of discerning whether a potential church planter is called to plant a church and whether the person is right for a specific new work. In order to qualify for Matching Funds, you will need to complete the CMN Launch Assessment with a nationally certified assessor or a district process that has been nationally approved.

  • What are you looking for in a ministry plan?

    Please refer to the CMN Ministry Plan Checklist. A CMN Ministry Plan will give a clear picture of your church to people who may not know you, your community, or your church. The CMN Ministry Plan Checklist describes the elements expected in a ministry plan.

  • If I am applying for a similar program with a different organization, am I still eligible for CMN Matching Funds?

    No. If you receive funds from another church planting organization, you are no longer eligible to receive CMN Matching Funds.


  • What is a Primary/Secondary Partner and who qualifies as a partner?

    A Primary/Secondary Partner is an AG church that commits to stand with the church planter and church-planting project in prayer and support. They will provide stewardship of the Matching Funds in partnership with the planter and will agree to replenish the funds if the church plant is not able to do so.

  • Do I need to have a Primary Partner?

    Yes. Every Matching Fund Church must have a Primary Partner. Some churches also have additional Secondary Partners.

  • Why do I need a partner?

    Part of the application process ensures that every Matching Fund Church has a foundation of relationships for a healthy launch. Partners provide spiritual, emotional, and practical support for a church planter. They are people who understand the vision of this new church and are willing to help it come to fruition. Without this foundation of relationships, CMN could not help so many churches launch well.

  • What is a Primary Partner contractually agreeing to?

    See the agreement below:

    I/We, the undersigned, commit to stand with this planter and church-planting project in prayer and support. I/We will provide stewardship of the Matching Funds in partnership with this planter. I/We understand that the Church Multiplication Network (CMN) will distribute the awarded funds to the church planter. As the Primary Partner, I/We will ensure the funds are disbursed in a manner that maximizes the momentum of the public launch of the new church. I/We agree that if for any reason the church plant is unable to replenish the funds received from CMN, I/We will ensure that the funds will be replaced at a pace equal to or exceeding the average monthly amount being replaced at the time the church plant ceases to make replenishment payments.

    I/We understand, that in the event there are multiple partners, one individual/organization must be designated as the Primary Partner. The Primary Partner would become responsible for managing the relationship among all other partners (a.k.a. Secondary Partner(s)). Ultimately, the Primary Partner is responsible for ensuring the Matching Funds are replenished in the event the church plant is unable to do so. I/We have read and understand the qualifications; I/We have read and approve of the Ministry Plan provided by the church planter; and I/We verify that the planter has met the standards of qualification for receiving the Matching Funds.


New church plants are eligible to apply for Matching Funds during the start-up phase of the church planting project. This means approval for Matching Fund disbursement must be obtained prior to the date of the launch of public services.

We require that you submit your application a minimum of eight (8) weeks prior to the public launch date of your church plant. This will ensure that CMN has ample time to process your application.

CMN’s ability to award Matching Funds is dependent upon several factors: 

(1) The lead planter must submit a completed application with all corresponding documents.

(2) CMN Director Approval

(3) AG Trust Team Approval

(4) AG Executive Leadership Team Approval

  • General Qualifications

    • Lead planter has Assemblies of God credentials in good standing.

    • Lead planter and/or planting team has a primary partner.

    • The church plant must recognized as a new Assemblies of God church.

    • Lead planter must complete a nationally certified church planter assessment.

    • Lead planter (and spouse, if applicable) has completed CMN Launch or Multiply Training or a district training that has been approved by CMN.

    • The lead planter must submit a ministry plan describing their strategy for starting the new church. Please refer to the CMN Ministry Plan Guide, which describes the elements expected in a ministry plan.

  • Disbursement Requirements

    • At least 50% of the donor funds to be matched must be actual cash. The other 50% may be signed pledges for a maximum period of 12 months.

    • A signed Memorandum of Understanding between the lead planter, the primary partner, and CMN.

    • If you are receiving funds from another church planting organization, you are not eligible to receive CMN Matching Funds.

  • Replenishment Terms

    • The new church is expected to replenish monthly by paying forward 10% of undesignated tithes and offerings. The average Matching Fund is paid forward within four to five years.

    • The partner(s) and planting team must sign a memorandum of understanding that, in the event the church is unable to replenish the Matching Funds, the partner(s) will be responsible for replenishing the balance of the Matching Fund amount. In the event there are multiple partners, one individual/organization must be designated as the Primary Partner. The Primary Partner would become responsible for managing the relationship among all other partners (a.k.a. Secondary Partner(s)). Ultimately, the Primary Partner is responsible for ensuring the Matching Funds are replenished in the event the church plant is unable to do so.

    • Once the original investment has been replenished in the Matching Fund, the newly planted church will agree to continue to invest one percent (1%) of their annual income in perpetuity to the CMN Champion Church Fund.

Sample Replenishment Plans:

$15,000 Matching Fund replenishment over five years:

$30,000 Matching Fund replenishment over five years:

$45,000 Matching Fund replenishment over five years:


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